How long will it take for my web site to be designed?

The timescale of a website design project is often dictated by the client. Normally we put 60-days timescale on each web design project. If you have a deadline in mind we will endeavour to meet it for you, even if it’s 7-days. The most common delay in the creation and completion of a new website is waiting for content (text/images) to be sent to us by the client.

Will we need to have a meeting in connection with the website design?

If you are located in Metro Manila, Philippines you can request us to have a meeting for your designing needs. In the majority of cases our clients are from other countries so a meeting isn’t necessary and most of our websites are generally completed with contact via email. We place suggested website designs onto the Internet in a private place where only yourselves and us can view the content. We then liaise with you regularly to discuss the web designs in order that the website design and functionality is exactly as you wish.

Once my website design is completed what aftersales service do you offer?

We give 12 months after sales support to any website we design and are always available should you encounter any problems or require any enhancements. We offer web site maintenance so that your website need never get out of date.

My site is already hosted to a different server, do we need to transfer our site to your servers?

We don’t require our clients to move their sites in our server, we only need an access once your site is ready to be publish on the internet

Do I have to keep my website with you forever, or can I move it to another supplier to host it if I wish?

You may move your website to another web hosting service at any time. Once your website design has been completed, we send you a copy of the website on CD. This copy of your website is for your retention. We also keep your files in our client area forever so you can download it anytime.

In what format should I supply words and photographs about my business for my new website?

It is helpful to us if you are able to provide text and photographs in electronic form – for example, the files output by a digital camera and the words in MS word or similar format. We also encourage our clients to send images in large file resolution. If this is not possible, we can help get your information ready for use on the website.

Will my website design be

All our websites are created with search engines in mind and the website design is compliant with search engine guidelines. It is a good idea for your website to be re-evaluated in time as over a period of time the search engines do alter their rules and algorithms and you will want to be certain that your website is kept up to date and complies with new rules etc.

How to choose which web designer to design my website ? Why choose Inventive Identity Services?

There are thousands of web designers – most advertise on the Internet trying to persuade you to place your website design in their hands. Which web designer should you choose? What knowledge should your web designer have? Which website design company should I choose?
Read more information about choosing your web designer

I run a small/medium size business and want an online presence to promote my business in a professional manner to new customers and to provide a more professional image to existing customers. What do I need to achieve this?

You need a professionally developed website, a domain name, and hosting facilities for your website. You also need the website to be uploaded onto your hosting facilities and promoted to the search engines.

If I choose a CMS System, can I be sure that my webpages are Search Engine Friendly?

Yes with the Inventive Identity, CMS Systems all web pages created are Search Engine Friendly – you can even add your own search engine meta tags to each individual web page if desired. THe CMS tools are easy to use – effective and intuitive.

I hear that there are hidden costs associated with web design services. Is this true?

No. We discuss with you your website requirements and then price accordingly and once you have placed an order for your website design with us, that price is strictly adhered to.

Do I need a database on my website?

This will depend upon the amount of information you wish to be displayed on your website. If you have many products/services, then it may be advantageous to have a database incorporated into your website design. We will discuss this in detail with you and if a database is advised we will explain in detail exactly how this will work. We can tailor your website design to suit your specific requirements.

How do I update my website?

There are many different methods which can be used to update websites. The method you choose and the functionality we build into your website design is solely up to yourself although of course we will be glad to advise you which method will suit your needs.

If you have a small website consisting of just a few pages and will only wish to make changes very infrequently, then usually it is more cost effective simply to ask Inventive Identity carry out these changes for you. Other methods which are frequently chosen are largely dependant upon how much data or information and pictures you have and how you store this information at present.

We can provide an on line content management system where you can either update individual products/pages/services or particular sections of your website. e.g. company news.

Alternatively we can provide functionality such that you can upload your entire product ranges to the website in one action using spreadsheets etc. We can also add databases if you wish.

Am I tied into Inventive Identity for any site maintenance or updates I wish to do once my website is designed?

No once your website is designed it belongs to you and you can commission anyone to update it for you – although of course we would like to think that you are happy with our services and will continue to use us for your website maintenance.

Will everyone see my web site the same?

Your website visitors will see some things differently depending on their browser, screen resolution setting and their individual computer settings and toolbars. We design sites with that in mind and preview them in several browser types and resolution settings before publishing. Obviously as technology alters then eventually all websites may need reevaluation.

Can you provide all our web design and hosting services?

Yes – we are your one stop company to provide all your web services. No more – not knowing who to call if you have problems – we can register your domain name – design your website – provide your web hosting and arrange your email accounts for you.

Do you guarantee that my site will always be available?

No web hosting service can guarantees 100% uptime. However we can guarantee that our servers have had 99.9% up time for years. Should our servers have any problems we do have the necessary backups in place to deal with this issue very speedily.

Can I get e-mail with my website?

Yes you can have email and you will probably wish you set-up several email addressed e.g. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. We can also setup your server to use Google Apps for free so we can guarantee that you won’t experience any downtime in your email. Keep in mind that when you use the free service of Google Apps you are only allowed to use up to 10 email address, if you wish to use more than 10 accounts you can upgrade to its paid service.

Can I see how many visitors I've had to my website?

Yes we provide web tracking software which records where you visitors are coming from and which pages they looked at, which search engines are being used, which phrases are being typed into which search engines and many more interesting web tracking facts which you should find useful for future marketing campaigns. We can also setup your site to use Google Analytic to track your website traffic

Do I need to install any software?

No is the simply answer.

Can I have an e-commerce system for my website?

Yes you can. We have Secure Servers (SSL) which use the latest encryption methods to ensure that your customers can buy from you website knowing that the information they enter is secure and safe. If you wish your customers’ payments to be “cleared on line” we can interface to organisations like PayPal or whichever third party you wish to use.

When can I update my website content?

If the website we have designed for you includes a Content Management System then you can access your administration areas from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and make updates instantly as frequently as you wish. If your website is a smaller website and was designed without using this type of system and you don’t have any html. skills, then we can update the website for you. Our charges are very reasonable.

Is there any training provided with the Content Management System - CMS?

The Content Management Systems really are very easy to use and do have explanatory notes included where necessary. We run through the administration screens with you when we design the site for you – however if at any time you have any questions we are available at the end of the telephone or email to run through the procedures or answer any queries you may have.

How much will a website cost me?

The cost of a web site varies depending on the site and complexity. A small web site with just a few static pages would cost around $150 whereas a full ecommerce website with a large number of pages and a CMS system could cost any where between $350 and $5000. If you give us a call we will be please the discuss with your website design requirements and give you a fixed quotation.

How can I accept credit cards on my website?

There are various methods availably to you. We would need to talk to you to established you requirements and the best method for your company.

How many pages can I have on my web site?

As many as you like. From a search engines point a view – The more the better!

I already have a website and I need it updating, can you help me?

Yes, we would be happy to look at you existing website and give you a quote for updating it.

Do you redesign existing websites?

Yes we do. We can redesign, retaining your company corporate style or we can redesign to give you a complete new image. Is your website up to date – let us provide you a Free of Charge Website Evaluation – we can redesign your website to take advantage of the latest web technologies.

Do you display any banners or pop-up ads on my website?

Absolutely not! – It’s your website and you have total control over the contents and who advertises on it.

What if I do not like the design?

If you do not like the design which we have suggested for you, we will discuss further with a view to ascertaining what type of design you would like to see and then place another “suggested design” in your web area for you to view. We would not like to think that you are not happy with the final website design. All our services are 100% satisfaction guarantee, we will only finalize the project if you are happy and fully satisfied with the design.

Will I find my website on the search engines?

Once my website design is completed can you provide web hosting ?

Yes you can arrange to host your website on one of our high performance web servers.

Now you have completed the website design - can I arrange that all my email goes through you and can you also provide Spam Filtering for my emails?

Yes! We can set up as many email boxes as you require and we also have an excellent Spam Filtering Service which gets rid of those unwanted spam emails. Our spam filtering service automatically reads every email sent to you and decides whether to move it to a special spam holding mailbox or to send it on to you.

Can I have a professional email address?

Does your email address look professional? Is your web hosting company flexible? It is amazing to find that in this day and age, some companies have still not realised how important their email communications are. Your email address may actually be more important to your image than your logo, letterhead or business cards combined!

Why choose Inventive Identity for our website design? What qualities do the websites designed by Inventive Identity have?

We design websites that are user-friendly. Websites that are visually appealing, creative in design and also have great functionality. They are effective as business tools. We know the value of the different web design features which can be used and we know which design features work and why they work.

Can I register a domain name through Inventive Identity

Yes, we can register your domain to our hosting and domain name registration partner Xhield Host. Domain registration is an important service we offer. Take a look at our Domain Registration page where you can search for available names and register them. You don’t have to purchase other website design or web hosting services from us to use this service – although we hope that you will want to use us for all your web services.

Who owns the website once the website design is completed?

The website belongs to you – we send you a copy of the website, you can also download it from our client area. This copy is for your retention and should you wish to use another web design or web hosting company – you are completely at liberty to take this copy to them for them to use.


If you would like to discuss your website design requirements with us please give us a call at 63917 804 1545